8 Month Transformation
Age: 51
Height: 6'
Coming to you now is CTS's first master's trainee - Paco. Coming to us at 51 years of age, Paco is a native of Mexico. I first met Paco over by a smith machine back in November of 2012. After watching him attempt to perform deadlifts on it, I felt it was my coach's duty to intervene in this troubling event. Over the last 8 months, Paco has worked incredibly hard to improve his diet, his cardiovascular system, and of course, his body composition.
As a young man, Paco was an avid Yogi, but years of inactivity and neglect had led him to develop a kyphotic (rounded) thoracic spine (upper back), a greatly immobile shoulder girdle, global inflexibility of his entire body, poor eating habits, and high cholesterol. Today, Paco stands tall (literally) at a lean 169 lbs. His posture, mobility, and flexibility are comparable to those of a college athlete, and his newly developed strength rivals that of men nearly half his age. His blood lipid profile has improved dramatically, and don't forget the tremendous spike in testosterone he's experienced that *actually sets off the metal detectors in airport security (how does that even happen?!)
75 lbs 3x5
190 lbs 3x5
95 lbs 3x5
145 lbs 1x9
55 lbs 3x5
95 lbs 1x8
125 lbs 1x5
220 lbs 1x5
Body Composition
172 lbs
169 lbs
Fat Mass
34 lbs
22 lbs
Fat Free Mass
138 lbs
147 lbs
Lean Mass Gain - 9 lbs
Fat Loss - 12 lbs
*All clients featured on this blog have given consent for their personal information to be disclosed.
Great job Dave, I'm always blown away by your clients' results!