So what's been up recently? Well, the offseason was quite successful. Other than gettin' after the aforementioned professional goals, the most substantial personal goals I've accomplished have been squatting 365 lbs on my birthday and pressing 155 lbs. Oh yea, and making enough money to be able to continue doing my laundry. I also turned 25. It's funny: 25 yrs old and I've only legitimately begun the journey of becoming my own man 6 months ago. Weird to think that the past 24 years have simply been a preamble, a mere opening Sonata to the unwritten symphony that is my life. I will admit, coming from a background of having all the work I ever needed to do assigned to me, being self employed and independent is definitely a challenge. Shit is up to me now, but I guess that's what being an adult is all about huh? And I have no shame admitting it publicly. Acting tough has never truly been a strength of mine (thanks a lot emo punk). What's truly crazy is that I have friends that are already married with kids... Holy. Shit... Time to raise a child!
So I kicked off the season this past Saturday at the Civilian Military Combine Intrepid. Placed 10th overall out of 5hundred something, and met a lot of awesome competitors. Take home message here is that I feel pretty good considering I'm not even in great shape yet. Only started metabolic conditioning about 6 weeks ago. The big race is going to be CMC 5/18/13 out at Camelback PA. I placed 6th last year and - as always - gotta aim for the top spot this time. Bringing the rain with 10 other trainers/clients from our club in SoHo. If you've been wondering how I've been training, both now and during the offseason, I've included my new "Training Log" tab up top for y'all to stay updated on how the champ does it.
New posts are going up on the reg from now on. The kid's back and ready to shake shit up this summer. Hope you guys are staying inspired, fighting the good fight, and continuing to strive towards what ever it is you may be fighting for. Keep dreamin' BIG.
Need some inspiration? Get after my boy Macklemore and keep dream schemin'
Oh yea, here's a pic of my new bike... Yea, I know, sexy
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