Sunday, November 4, 2012

Living a Life of Inspiration

     We all have one obligation in life.  This obligation and life long pursuit can be more viewed as a mission.  A mission to live one's life according one's intuition.  Intuition is that oh-so-familiar feeling you get in your solar plexus that tells you when something is right or when something is wrong.  This feeling is universal and doesn't need to be explained or quantified.  I mean, most of the time you can't quantify it anyway.  Experiencing an intuitive moment is very similar to when you're in love - one of those "I just know" experiences.  
     We all have deep desires that we can choose to either condone or ignore.  These desires are innate and not chosen.  Society, media,  and those who love us most accidentally (or not) program us to want things way before we even have a chance to learn what we truly want.  Grow up, get married, have kids, etc. is a very popular story told by many people, but is that how cut and dry life is?  For some people sure, but definitely not for everyone.  I believe in destiny.  I believe there are better choices out there for everyone to make.  Choices that will eventually lead us towards the existence that WE were meant to live.  For some, that may very well be the early procreation mortgage life.  One day, that life may be for me as well, but not now.  There is much more that I need to do and learn about myself before I can start a family.  This is an intuitive life.
     Ever since I was a young kid, I knew three things.  Three things that I knew deep in my soul before I barely knew anything:  I would never sit down at a desk and wear a suit and tie to work, that I was born to do great things, and that I am a little crazy (an argument could be made that "a little" is inaccurate).  From an early age, I did what I wanted to do.  I ended up going to college for engineering and I feel like I could have stuck with it, but something deep down told me it wasn't for me.  I could have gone on and become something I wasn't due to the incredible family pressure and other difficulties at the time - mostly the money it would take to start school over, the time commitment I had lost and would have to make again in the future to finish a new degree, and the fact that I was leaving a college where I was involved in varsity soccer, a fraternity, and where I had already made many friends.  If I had stayed on the path of least resistance towards a $60K starting salary and security, I probably would either be miserable doing something I hate, or I would have had to make the switch later in life -wasting more time and money.  The moral?  I'm glad I went with my gut.  My gut has been put in place by a higher power and it is the road map towards a truly happy and fulfilling life.  We don't choose who we are.  We may improve things we want to improve, or we may unlearn certain lies that we learned as kids, but deep down, we are who we are, and that will never change.  
     Regardless of your current situation, financial success, or current level of happiness/fulfillment,  there is a possible existence that coincides with your true self.  An existence that will make you feel alive, inspiring, and eventually lead you towards everything you deeply long for.  The question is whether or not you're willing to begin the journey of uncertainty and defeat to bring you closer to this existence.   We can choose to live the life our parents set up for us.  The life - regardless of how much it has been meticulously and carefully planned out "in our best interest" - has nevertheless been set up by SOMEONE OTHER THAN OURSELVES.  Someone who doesn't truly accurately know who we are deep down. Only we know who that someone is and what that someone wants.  Even if it pisses off a lot of people, at the end of the day, whose happiness matters most in your life?  Someone else's? You can either accept it and love yourself, or you can fight it and live with regrets and an extremely disappointing life.   
       Not following your intuition is also one of the main causes of regret.  I bet if you took the most unhappy people you knew and interviewed them (this is assuming of course that they tell you the honest truth) that they would have high levels of regret.   Regret happens when you either do or fail to do something you knew deep down that you should or shouldn't have done.  In other words, you went against your intuition and you know you did the wrong thing for you. 
     This mission is not easy, and it isn't hard to understand why there are so many unhappy people in life.  At one point these people gave up on finding who they truly are.  Or possibly even worse, they knew what they wanted but they were too afraid to go and try to get it.  It's an extremely hard thing to do.  We are constantly trying to please everyone but ourselves and we are our worst critics.  Love yourself, be who you are, and you will inspire others to do the same.

::Excerpt from Paulo Coelho's Blog::

    "Even if you were to study your own life in detail and relive each moment that you suffered, sweated and smiled beneath the sun, you would still never know exactly when you had been useful to someone else.  A life is never useless. Each soul that came down to Earth is here for a reason. The people who really help others are not trying to be useful, but are simply leading a useful life. They rarely give advice, but serve as an example.  Do one thing: live the life you always wanted to live. Avoid criticizing others and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams. This may not seem very important to you, but God, who sees all, knows that the example you give is helping Him to improve the world. And each day, He will bestow more blessings upon it."

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